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Intelligent Meters ARC Linkage Project

The Institute for Sustainable Futures has partnered with MidCoast Water and Griffith University to assess the effectiveness in reducing consumption through different forms of consumption feedback to households. Funded by the Australian Research Council, the three year project will see the installation of intelligent water meters in 120 homes in Taree, NSW, and will also use existing intelligent meters on another 100 properties.

The study will examine the role of more detailed information communicated at varying frequencies and using a range of feedback methods in facilitating behavior change and improving water literacy and ultimately, whether this will lead to a reduction in a household’s overall water footprint. It will also examine the rapidly advancing world of intelligent metering and role this technology will play in the future of sustainable urban water management, and likely uptake by Australian and international water service providers.

The research builds upon past and current work by ISF into the use of smart metering in the water and energy sectors. Most recently for example, ISF developed a new and innovative methodology to characterise and cost leak events and savings based on available smart metering data, for an Australian water utility.


Research themes

  • Smart billing

  • Digital feedback

  • End-use analysis

  • Behaviour change

  • Technology adoption


For more information contact Dr Damien Giurco.













Project outputs


Project flyer. Download here.


Boyle, T., Giurco, D., Mukheibir, P., Liu, A., Moy, C., White, S., Stewart, R., (2013) Intelligent Metering for Urban Water: A Review, Water, 5, (2), pp. xx. Download here.


Moy, C., Giurco, D., Boyle, T., (2013) Can Smart Meters Create Smart Behaviour? Proceedings of the XXXIV International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-16 July, 2013. Download here.


Liu, A., Giurco, D.Mukheibir, P., Graeme, W. (2013) Smart metering and billing: Information to guide household water consumption, Proceedings of the AWA Water Education, Efficiency and Skills conference, Sydney, Australia, March 2013. Download here.






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